In-Person Training
1 or 3 Day class
Gold Star Training (1 Day )
- Learn the fundamentals of heat pump installation & preventative maintenance.
- $400 instant rebate – XE model heat pump.
- Six (6) hours scheduled virtual field visits, first year, with Panasonic Certified Technician. Cell phone chest harness included.
- Extended Warranty Authorized.
- Assignment to a Panasonic Manufacturer’s Representative and Authorized Distributor.
- Panasonic contractor finder database.
- VIP technical support hotline.
- Gold Star Installer long-sleeve tee shirt.
- Gold Star Installer truck decal.
In-person classes located throughout the United States. Contact your local distributor or manufacturer’s representative.
COST: $350
Gold Star Training with EPA 608 (3 Day)
- Everything included from Gold Star Training ( 1 Day )
- EPA 608 two day training + test.
COST: $585
Virtual Site Survey and Post Installation Start-Up Support
Our trainers are with you every step of the way. Utilizing a provided video chest harness with real time streaming via your device, our Panasonic team will virtually walk you through your first project, ensuring the correct heat pump models are selected and project is designed properly. We will perform a virtual inspection of your installed equipment and run through the start – up checklist with you.
Extended Warranty
No other manufacturer goes to such lengths to ensure its contractors are professionally trained, and to ensure a quality installation for its end customer. Utilizing Panasonic’s virtual field inspection system, Panasonic provides its Gold Star Contractors the ability to offer their residential and commercial customers an additional five (5) year compressor and seven (7) year parts extended warranty; at no additional cost.
- Standard Warranty: 7 year compressor | 5 year parts
- Extended Warranty: 12 years compressor | 12 years parts
Annual Gold Star Certified Renewal
Gold Star Certified Contractors must minimally install and register 10 condensers per year in order to maintain their Gold Star Installer status. Renewal period is November.
When requirements are met, installer will receive:
1. New Gold Star Installer shirt with upcoming year
2. VIP marketing support